Control Electronics
Engine Management, Data Loggers, Displays, Power Control

Engine Management
Tracktive has over 35 years of experience in selecting the best vehicle hardware.
Whether it's for your cherished road car or the next assault on the world stage, we are here to help you make the most effective decision.
With our expertise on all the major brands, selecting the right solution has never been easier.

Data Loggers and Displays
Tracktive offers a range of solutions to enhance your car's performance, from simple Driver displays to full data acquisition systems with multiple sensors. Our team has the expertise to help you choose the best option for your needs and budget.
Contact us today to learn more.

Power Distribution
The latest electronic offerings have made it possible to replace old school fuses and relays with a more advanced Power Distribution architecture. With potentially more compact installation providing robust control strategies, advanced fault monitoring and Data Logging making it a more efficient and reliable option for your vehicle system

Accessories and Sensor
Sensors are the eyes and ears of any system. They provide crucial data that helps the system make informed decisions. Without the right sensor package, a system is incomplete and unable to function at its full potential.
Let us help you find the perfect sensor package for your system.

Ultimate Performance
If you're looking for expert advice on selecting the best hardware for your needs, we're here to help.
However, where we truly excel is in implementing the complete package to offer seamless, reliable control and performance.
Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch service and ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.